As an Independent Agency, Cronin Insurance adheres to a Code of Ethics developed by the Independent Agents of America.
We thought the dawn of the New Year was a perfect time to reinforce to our clients, companies and the Public.
See what we are all about.
Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America, Inc. |
I believe in the value and importance of the insurance business and its future, and that the Independent Insurance Agent plays a critical role in serving consumers throughout the insurance process. I support the Independent Agency System, which has developed insurance to be a fundamental component in the economic fabric of our nation, and I pledge to support right principles and oppose bad practices in the insurance business. I respect the importance of the relationship between Independent Insurance Agents and the public, insurance companies, and other Independent Insurance Agents, and believe that the rights of the client are paramount. To the Public I believe that serving the public as an Independent Insurance Agent is an honorable occupation, affording me a special opportunity to serve society and offer valuable insurance products and services to the public. I believe that as an Independent Insurance Agent, I am serving the interests of my clients by responding to their expressed insurance needs. I will strive to further the public’s understanding of insurance, endeavor to promote safety and loss control in my community, and strive to participate in civic and philanthropic activities that contribute to my community. To the Insurance Companies I Represent I will respect the authority vested in me by the insurance companies I represent, and work to maintain open lines of communication with them. To Other Independent Insurance Agents I will strive to maintain positive relations with other insurance agencies in my community, competing with them on an honorable and fair basis. I will follow all insurance laws relative to the conduct of my business. I will work with other Independent Insurance Agents for the betterment of the insurance business, and endeavor to elevate the standards of my occupation by following this Code of Ethics and encouraging other Independent Insurance Agents to do likewise. |
© 2002. Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America, Inc. (Ver. 090302) |
When you have insurance questions or a competitive quote on insurance contact the independent agents at Cronin Insurance Agency.
Low rates, Choice of Companies and Personal Advice from Local Agents.
Cronin Insurance is the Wise Choice.